Sunday, November 27, 2011

Final Project

My BIG IDEA for this project was randomness in street art. What I did was I used Photoshop to edit multiple pictures of walls and add my own art to it to somewhat send a message. The first picture I did was a picture of the side of a large building and a live trace image of an orangutan holding the eye of sauron. What I did was took a regular picture of sauron and took it into Adobe Illustrator and used the live trace effect to turn it into a distinguishable black and white picture of sauron. Then what I did was I took a picture of an orangutan holding a big rubber ball and took that into Illustrator as well and turned that into an easily distinguishable picture and merged the two so that it looked like the monkey was holding the eye of sauron watching you. I then found a picture of a large building and put the monkey on the side of the building. I wanted to send a hidden message within my own that you are always being watched but you will never truly know what is actually watching you until you see it. Or you go and try to destroy the ring.

The second picture I did was a picture of Major Glory from the Justice friends. I felt like that would probably be the coolest but one of the most random things I would of ever seen on a wall. The wall that I chose to place the Major on was a wall that on one corner had a one-way street sign and no parking on this side sign. All you can see on the no parking on the side sign is the, this side. A little further to the right in the picture are a small sidewalk block and 5 traffic cones. Above that is what looks like a canopy with the words EXIT cut off at the T so all you can see is the EXI. I decided to put the Major in between the this side sign and the exit canopy. So that it looks as if the major is directing you towards the exit that also looks as if it is under construction and that you can only take this path.

The last image I did was a drawing of two popsicles connected together. The red Popsicle is hungry at the beginning and slowly eats the yellow Popsicle. I placed the drawing on a wall that was in a dark alleyway and had a dark and dreary overcast. The cartoon is varying happy and upbeat looking which I fell will give it a good contrast to the dark background. The message behind it is supposed to be that anything can be bittersweet depending on your point of view. The Popsicle eating his friend, it’s awesome at first because he is eating a giant popsicle but then he notices that he ate his friend. The dark wall and sky are to have the same affect against the colorful cartoon.

Final Project

My BIG IDEA for this project was randomness in street art. What I did was I used Photoshop to edit multiple pictures of walls and add my own art to it to somewhat send a message. The first picture I did was a picture of the side of a large building and a live trace image of an orangutan holding the eye of sauron. What I did was took a regular picture of sauron and took it into Adobe Illustrator and used the live trace effect to turn it into a distinguishable black and white picture of sauron. Then what I did was I took a picture of an orangutan holding a big rubber ball and took that into Illustrator as well and turned that into an easily distinguishable picture and merged the two so that it looked like the monkey was holding the eye of sauron watching you. I then found a picture of a large building and put the monkey on the side of the building. I wanted to send a hidden message within my own that you are always being watched but you will never truly know what is actually watching you until you see it. Or you go and try to destroy the ring.

The second picture I did was a picture of Major Glory from the Justice friends. I felt like that would probably be the coolest but one of the most random things I would of ever seen on a wall. The wall that I chose to place the Major on was a wall that on one corner had a one-way street sign and no parking on this side sign. All you can see on the no parking on the side sign is the, this side. A little further to the right in the picture are a small sidewalk block and 5 traffic cones. Above that is what looks like a canopy with the words EXIT cut off at the T so all you can see is the EXI. I decided to put the Major in between the this side sign and the exit canopy. So that it looks as if the major is directing you towards the exit which also looks as if it is under construction and that you can only take this path.

The last image I did was a drawing of two popsicles coneected together. The red popsicle is hungry at the beginning and slowly eats the yellow popsicle. I placed the drawing on a wall that was in a dark alley way and had a dark and dreary overcast. The cartoon is vary happy and upbeat looking which I fell will give it a good contrast to the dark background. The message behind it is supposed to be that anything can be bitter sweet depending on your point of view. The popsicle eating his friend, it’s awesome at first because he is eating a giant popsicle but then he notices that he ate his friend. The dark wall and sky are to have the same affect against the colorful cartoon.

Monday, November 14, 2011

In a galaxy far far away

My thought process towards a lot of ideas is a process of sacrifice, friendship, hard decisions, many waisted hours in bed, a lot of spring boarding, and many cans of soda. A lot of my work is impulsively made or is just influenced by an emotional point in something. Sometimes ill get an idea from just having a conversation with my friends. More than often I see something online and want to create the same thing just to go through the process or I want to create my own version of what ever it was that I saw online. I decide what I want to make my piece of art on. It is usually a regular piece of paper. When i want to create something but cant think of what actually to make I text my friend saying "what's the most random thing you can think of?" He usually gets back to me within about 5 minutes. Or I do random think tank kind of thing on Facebook, I usually just put as my status "what is the most random thing you can think of?" If I don't like any of the ideas that my friend or friends (yes I do have "friends") gave me I usually unconsciously spring board off of their ideas and create my own. If I really like their idea I usually talk to them about it and make it but give them credit. So my big idea of randomness is brought up on my own, with wanting to create something. I believe that the best ideas are the ones that are pulled out of thin air. Another lit sub part of it will be the fact that it must be street art. I love the idea of street art cause everyone in a way HAS to look at it. If it's on the ground they have to see it if they're looking where they are walking and if it is on a wall then they'll see it just by looking around. Some of the rules im gonna set for myself are that I can only use ideas given to me from a friend or something I came up with by spring boarding off of one of their ideas. The materials I might use are paints, paper, photoshop, actually almost anything to go along with the randomness of the art.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Micro Project 5

The two words I was assigned were drop and suspend. What I did was I created a video of me going through my everyday routine and dropping everything that I pick up from a pencil to the bottle of shampoo in the shower. Dropping everything was used to create the feeling that I can't hold anything, that was to show the word drop (and yes I do juggle quite often.).
At the same time in the video there are small clips that are placed in the video of me drawing a picture I created to show the word suspended. The picture is of my most used item. My headphones, that I drew piece by piece on individual sticky notes and arranged them on a wall to make a pair of headphones. The sticky notes are supposed to represent how the item is suspended by the sticky notes on the wall. The reason I chose the song "1940" by the Submarines, was because I thought the beat fit very well with the mood of the video. (If the video doesn't work here is a youtube link: )
I'd like to thank my roommate for helping me tape stuff when I needed to.